Week 4

Zoom Link: https://ualberta-ca.zoom.us/j/97755262261

This week we’re talking about data visualization. We’ll be using the same dataset from last week (week 3), but this week we’ll be using our first package. To facilitate our plotting, we’ll be using the ggplot2 package which is a component of the tidyverse. To save time during the session, please install the tidyverse on your computer prior to the session by running the following code:


This code will ensure that the tidyverse is loaded in your computer and ready for use during the session.

Principles of Data Visualization

We won’t dedicate much time to the discussion of visualization more theoretically, but there exists a wide array of literature on optimizing the communication of a scientific message through plots and graphs. We’ve put some links to some more resources on data visualization in the Resources tab if you are curious.

In this video Cole will discuss some of the high level keys to good data visualization that we would like you to keep in mind as we go through the practical aspects of coding your visualization in R.

Content Summary