Find here the course schedule for this whirlwind four weeks of content. As content fills in it will be posted, and any lecture with slides/recordings will be turned into hot links.

Date Day Topic 0830-1000 1000-1230 1400-1600 1600-1800 Reading Items Due
October 13 Wednesday Patterns & Processes Syllabus, introductions, course goals Intertidsal Ecology, Niche Concept Lab - ID Assignment Reading 1 - Harley (2011) Sign up for paper discussion groups & dates due @23:59
October 14 Thursday Populations & Scale I Lab - Git/GitHub Guest Lecture - Dr. Shannon Hennessey ADA
October 15 Friday Populations & Scale II Paper Discussion - Group 1 Field trip - Low Tide (1.6m tide @15:30) Reading 2 - Bernhardt & O'Connor (2021) Github Classroom Assignment due @23:59
October 16 & 17 Saturday & Sunday
October 18 Monday Population Models Species Life History and Demographics Species ID presentations Paper Discussion - Group 2 Reading 3 - Crouse et al. (1987) ID Assignment due; Group 1 Paper Summary due @17:00
October 19 Tuesday Linear Algebra Review Guest Lecture - Emma Atkinson Stage-Structured Models I ADA
October 20 Wednesday Stage-Structured Models II - R Working hours & Beach Clean-up DS
October 21 Thursday Sensitivity & Elasticity Matrix Models in R I Matrix Models in R II ADA Group 2 Reading Summary due @19:00
October 22 Friday Prep time - Sampling protocls and questions for sampling assignment Working time Paper Discussion - Group 3 Reading 4 - Godwin et al. (2021) Population Model Proposal due @17:00
October 23 & 24 Saturday & Sunday
October 25 Monday Within & Between Ecosystems, Interactions, Biodiversity Field trip prep - Sampling protocols, diversity indices Power Analysis Group 3 Reading Summary due @19:00
October 26 Tuesday Field trip - Low Tide (1.8m @0920) Paper discussion - Group 4 ADA Reading 5 - Reid et al. (2021) Population assignment due @23:59
October 27 Wednesday Data Management Practices & Metadata Species Richness Modeling Guest Lecture - Dr. Sean Godwin DS
October 28 Thursday Field Trip - Sugsaw Creek Salmon Walk & Hatchery Visit ADA
October 29 Friday Introduction to Conservation & Management Open Period Paper discussion - Group 5 Reading 6 - Beltran et al. (2020) Group 4 Reading Summary due @17:00
October 30 & 31 Saturday & Sunday
November 01 Monday Conservation, Restoration, Open Science Guest Lecture - Dr. Karlisa Calwood Reproducibility - Dr. Michael Eisen Talk Guest Speaker Write-up (In Class) Group 5 Reading Summary due @17:00
November 02 Tuesday Sampling Assignment Presentations Open Science, Ecological Forecasting Paper discussion - Group 6 ADA
November 03 Wednesday Field Trip - Nitnat Hatchery/River Trip DFO Production Hatchery
November 04 Thursday Selected Topics Selected Topics Course Evaluations & Wrap-Up Group 6 summary due @17:00
November 05 Friday