Dr. Alex Davis (she/her) drawing

Alex is a Black woman, a marine ecologist, and a conservation scientist. She originally got her BA in English Literature before realizing she wanted to study the ocean. She did her undergraduate degree in Marine Science at Cal State Monterey Bay (CSUMB), and went on to get her PhD at the Oregon State University with Dr. Mark Hixon working on invasive lionfish. She is currently a Liber Ero Fellow working with Dr. Stephanie Green (University of Alberta), and Dr. Thomas Therriault (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) on invasive European green crab removal on the west coast of Canada and the Salish Sea. ​When she is not sciencing she spends time at home with her cats, crocheting, reading, watching sci-fi movies and TV, and eating tacos and popcorn. Research website: www.alexandracddavis.com

Cole Brookson (he/him) drawing

Cole is a computational ecologist, mostly interested in food webs and disease transmission. He got his undergrad at the University of Toronto in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology working with Drs. Martin Krkosek, Marie-Josee Fortin, and Chelsea Rochman. He is now an MSc student with Dr. Stephanie Green (UAlberta). He works on both theoretical and applied questions, and is ultimately interested in developing methods and software to tackle challenges related to global change. Cole is an avid programmer, and mainly performs his work in Julia, Python, R, and sometimes C/C++. He is incredibly passionate about Open Science, computational education in the biosciences, and caffeine. Research website: www.colebrookson.com