Questions? Comments? Concerns? Queries?

If you are a student and have an administrative question, before you email us, please take the time to check the syllabus and other pages to see if your question has already been answered there.

If you’re looking for lecture recordings, they will not be posted until after each lecture has happened, and all lecture content will not be completely available until after Nov. 14th 2021.

If you can’t find the answer to your question/need help with other topics, please feel free to email us!

If you are a Fall Program student and need help, email both of us.

Alex: Cole:

Want to use the material here for your course?

Please do!! The information is all here on the page, if you need additional clarification etc., feel free to reach out.

Alex: Cole:

Something wrong with the website?

There are bound to be bugs on this site. If you find one, PLEASE let us know! Your help is much appreciated. Email cole ( or better yet, open an issue on the GitHub repository:!