Throughout the course we will have some special guest speakers join us virtually to give you their expertise on a variety of subjects.

We’ve asked the speakers to present a bit on their background and what they do but also to talk specifically about topics pertainng the the course curriculum.

Each speacker has also been asked to impart two vital pieces of information to you on how to be a successful ecologist. We are leaving this totally up to them to decide what they think you should know!

Key information to be gathered from the presentation:

  1. Name of Speaker
  2. Job/ position/ location
  3. Brief summary of what they do in their job/position/research. This piece is for your own records. Be detailed if their career choice or lecture topic is of particular interest to you.
  4. What are the two vital pieces of information they presented?
  5. How can you use the information they presented during this course?
  6. How can you use the information presented outside of this course?

At the end of the term you will write a reflection on (15 points):

  • What you learned from the entire speaker series (5 points)
  • Three vital pieces of information were given to you to suceed as ecologists (6 points)
  • What information from the lectures you were able to use during the course (4 points)

Submission Details

Use the GitHub classroom link here: to accept the assignment and view submission instructions.